Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snow Flake

      It's 7:10am - despite what my timestamp may say, I haven't figured out how to fix that yet - and it's 32 degrees outside. It's supposed to be southern Florida.
        And I have a cough/cold again. I've been feeling it coming on for a couple days now but I felt like I had the upper hand and it was just going to blow by... but no, not so much. My chest/neck/throat is dry and scratchy. I'm a bit congested with some post-nasal drip which is making my throat a bit sore. It's joyous, let me tell you. I woke up this morning when my grandparents were getting ready to leave for work as I do every morning [Thank you Mom for your light sleeping gene]; and instantly felt the irritation in my chest and also in my bladder, so I got up, said 'good morning' to my Nana as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door, relieved myself and then went into the kitchen to make some hot tea.
        The Saturday before Christmas, which was actually Christmas Eve, my mother, sister, brother and I went to the Green Market in West Palm Beach, nice and early in the AM. Personally, I only bought some tomatoes, cucumbers, and a pineapple... I also came home with the orange chocolate marmalade and raspberry apple jelly I referred to in a previous post, and a couple homemade teas as well, but my brother Robbie bought those for me and Rene as our 'Christmas gifts'. One of the teas is called Samurai, which I haven't tried yet, and the other, when we picked it out, wasn't called "Snow Flake" but that's what the lady wrote on the bag when we purchased it. The label said "Orchid, Vanilla, Coconut.." something or other. Regardless of what it's called or what's in it, I'm on my second cup of it and it's delicious. I'm not sure if it's caffeinated, but it very well could be because I'm pretty awake for it being this early. But that could be attributed to the temperature too.
       I turned the heat on while my tea brewed on the stove, made a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, let Toto outside in the freezing cold, then headed back to bed. On the way, I turned my Chinese water dragon's lights on hours earlier than I usually do because it's so damn cold in here!! I put on my knee-high knit socks and my toasty, grey and white Kcuf10v3 hoodie [with the new Distressed design!], then curled up in my blankets. I think I'll just stay here all day, who needs to go to work anyway...??

<3 L. Trev

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the link :D also, next time you come around I will show you how to change the timestamp... had to figure that out a few days ago!!!

